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The neo-Fascist scene seems to be fragmented. Actually, these organisations and tendencies are intertwined with each other and their leaders are struggling for hegemony in the camp.
They differ by how they are focussing or expressing certain contents or tactics addressing various target groups by numerous media.
In some regions they are firmly rootes. Fundamentally, they are all striving for a fascist “Volksgemeinschaft” (“communion of the people”).

What Does this Exhibition Point Out?

In Germany, people are insulted, beaten up or killed just because they don’t fit to the Nazi-idea of what is“German”. Neo-fascist or racist violence has claimed more than 180 casualties since 1990, possibly a multiple number of that – because hints on neo-fascist motives have not been traced back.
Are the reasons of a spreading racist thinking and the violence arising from it comparable to those during the Nazi period?
This exhibition is to be a contribution to neo-Fascism not becoming a permanent everyday phenomenon. It provides information about the ideology and practice of neo-Fascism and mentions the reasons for the spread of racist, nationalist and militarist ideology and activity.

The terms “right-wing extremism”, “right-wing-radicalism”, etc. impute being just one peripheral phenomenon among others. The special historic background is neglected.
We prefer the term “neo-Fascism” to make clear that this political movement does not differ from its historical prototypes since the end of World War One.

Fascism as a Political Movement –
Fascism in Power

From 1918 on, fascists organised themselves as street fighting combat units in every European country. In the end of the 1920s, Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP increasingly gained acceptance and mass support.
In 1933, the political power was assigned to the NSDAP with the aid of important exponents of the industry, conservative politicians and senior officers. Terror against political opponents and everybody considered as “un-German” began immediately. In 1939, Nazi-Germany invaded Poland and thus started the imperialist raid and extermination war with mass crimes and genocides never seen before.


The basic category of neo-Fascist thinking is the “nation”. Neo-fascists use a static biologist concept of nations denying the equality of mankind. They distinguish “valuable” and “worthless” individuals and nations.

»Die Menschen leben in Völkern als organisch gewachsenen Gemeinschaften körperlich, geistig und seelisch verwandter Menschen mit gemeinsamer Sprache und Kultur, Geschichte, Tradition und Abstammung. Völker sind konkrete Lebenserscheinungen, während es ›den‹ Menschen als solches gar nicht gibt. (…) Der Mensch existiert nur in seiner je unterschiedlichen ethnisch-kulturellen Prägung und damit als Angehöriger eines bestimmten Volkes. (…) Eine vereinte Menschheit gab es nie, gibt es nicht und wird es nie geben.«

Aus: Wortgewandt. Argumente für Mandats- und Funktionsträger, Herausgeber: NPD-Parteivorstand, 2. Auflage 2012, S. 20 f.



The fascist concept of society is the “Führer state”, ruled by elites exclusively. Neo-Fascists are eager to abolish any fundamental democratic right like liberty, equality and self-determination. Those who do not subordinate are excluded and persecuted.


Neo-Fascists classify people according to claimed races of unequal worth. Nowadays, They often resort to degradation of other cultures and alleging immigrants a lack of ability to integrate.
Anti-Semitism as well as hatred against Gypsies and Muslims are special modes of racism. Neo-Fascists fuel hatred, they trivialise or deny Nazi crimes and defile tombs and memorials.


Neo-Fascists pretend to represent the ordinary people or even to be “social revolutionaries”. Some of them do clearly pronounce positions aligned along free market lines, aiming to restrict the rights of the poorest. Trade unions and left-wing organisations are combated.

»Gegen Hedge- und Staatsfonds! Wir schaffen Arbeit durch eine nationale Industrie­politik, die den Aufkauf gesunder Unternehmen durch Hedgefonds unterbindet und das Primat des langfristig orientierten Investitionskapitals gegenüber dem raffgierigen Spekulatonskapital sicherstellt. Die meist angel­sächsischen Private Equity Fonds sind die ›Jäger und Sammler‹ des Finanzkapitalismus. (…) Bei der Globalisierung handelt es sich um das planetarische Ausgreifen der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsweise unter der Führung des Großen Geldes. Dieses hat, obwohl seinem Wesen nach nomadisch und ortlos, seinen politisch-militärisch beschirmten Standort vor allem an der Ostküste der USA.«

 Aus: Wortgewandt. Argumente für Mandats- und Funktionsträger, Herausgeber: NPD-Parteivorstand, 2. Auflage 2012, S. 26, S. 31

Sexual Discrimination

Assigning gender roles to men and women is a means to discipline them and involve them into their racist ideology. In the end, women are induced to serving and men to leading positions.
Acting out one’s sexual orientation is not allowed.

War and

Neo-Fascists approve violence within the society as well as against other countries. Every year, they commit hundreds of violent crimes against political opponents, immigrants and “aliens”. They even apply systematic terror.
They consider war necessary for the survival of their own people and to achieve the power they claim.

»Die Wehrmacht war die Armee des damaligen Deutschlands, in dem im weltgeschichtlichen Ringen der Jahre 1939 bis 1945 unsere Väter und Großväter dienten. Sie waren Soldaten, weil sie schlicht und ergreifend zum Waffendienst eingezogen wurden und weil sie fast alle der Überzeugung waren, ihre Heimat gegen eine feindselige Weltkoalition zu verteidigen. (…) Die Waffen-SS – nicht zu verwechseln mit Totenkopfverbänden der Konzentrationslager – war eine Elite-Formation, deren Tapferkeit und Ritterlichkeit selbst von vielen Kriegs­gegnern immer wieder betont wurde.«

 Aus: Wortgewandt. Argumente für Mandats- und Funktionsträger, Herausgeber: NPD-Parteivorstand, 2. Auflage 2012, S. 54

Greater Germany/

Neo-Fascists do not acknowledge Germany’s boarders according to international law and claim territories of neighbouring countries. An EU-critical position hides a general denial of living together in a multinational Europe based on equal rights.

»Für jeden geschichtlich etwas Bewanderten steht außer Frage, daß es sich bei dem Gebiet der früheren DDR um das historische ›Mitteldeutschland‹ und nicht um ›Ostdeutschland‹ handelt, das östlich von Oder und Neiße liegt. (…)Von Mitteldeutschland zu reden und an das heute polonisierte Ostdeutschland zu erinnern, zielt nicht auf eine aktive Politik der Grenzrevision ab, sondern ist schlicht eine Frage der historischen Wahrhaftigkeit. (…) Eine deutsche Regierung müßte die Vergabe sämtlicher Geldmittel an Warschau und Prag von der Erfüllung der Forderungen der Vertriebenen und einem Eingeständnis historischer Schuld seitens der Vertreiberstaaten abhängig machen.«

Aus: Wortgewandt. Argumente für Mandats- und Funktionsträger, Herausgeber: NPD-Parteivorstand, 2. Auflage 2012, S. 55 f.

Western History

After 1945, in Western Germany former Nazis and their followers had the opportunity to regain important positions in administration and society. Even if the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) expressed the exact opposite to ideology and values of the Nazi regime, there was no resolute break in society. Thus, a climate of acceptance allowed definite neo-Fascist organisations to re-established. It was only in the 1960es that an increasingly critical discussion about the Nazi regime could be developed.

Eastern History

In the Soviet occupation zone and in the GDR, Nazis and war criminals were expropriated, persecuted and removed from public service. Nevertheless, racist and anti-Semitic attitudes were underestimated, due to the conviction that the roots of Fascism had been eliminated by creating a new society. After 1989, neo-Fascist organisations succeded to establish and to benefit from the breakdown of the GDR. Today, racism and an authoritarian concept of politics are more prevalent in the east of Germany than in the west.

Concurrents in

Neo-fascist ideology is not preached in a social vacuum. Misanthropy relating groups like Jews, Sinti and Roma, migrants, Muslims, homosexuals, homeless or unemployed persons is widespread among considerable parts of the population. Politicians from democratic parties as well as media often resume these prejudices for populist purposes and thus open spaces for neo-Fascist propaganda.

Overlapping in

Neo-Fascists and conservatives meet and cooperate in networks, foundations and associations referring to tradition. They publish in the same print and online media. They more or less are connected by mutual concepts of “the enemy” and analogies their perceptions of history.


All over Europe right-wing populist parties and organisations succeed in winning over supporters and voters. They are characterised by fuelling sentiments “against the system” by rough simplifications and focussing on few issues especially hostility against the EU and Islam. They overlap with neo-Fascism by content as by personnel.

Nazis in
Popular Culture

Plenty of money is earned by allusions to Nazism. Wehrmacht, SS and Nazis often appear in films, computer games and other media and thus historical reference is given a false colour. The crimes of the Nazi regime are trivialized, violence and militarism are glamourized.


The NPD’s major source of finance is the state. Reimbursement of election campaign expenses and public funds for parliamentary groups are crucial for this party’s ability to act. Right wing populist movements profit much more by private or firms' donations. Numerous activists are committed in fields of business considered as “unpolitical”.

Toleration and

Neo-Fascist groups, especially parties, take advantage of democratic rights which they want to abolish in the end. From 1951 on, in more than 100 cases, neo-Fascist groups, operating either regionally or nation-wide, were banned in the Federal Republic. Nevertheless neo-Nazi demonstrations have been protected by the police for decades. No legal action taken against them, allows to consider them as normal and legitimate actors in politics . Fifty years after the foundation of the NPD, its ban seems to be possible.


Anti-fascism lives on its diverse ideas of activities: visiting memorials are suitable to communicate historic knowledge. Anti-fascist demonstrations and blockades, as well as the repudiation of racist remarks on all levels, make resistance to neo-Fascists and their ideas visible.

What is the VVN-BdA?

Men and women who resisted the Nazi regime as well as other victims of Nazi persecution formed the “Union of Victims of Persecution by the Nazi Regime” in 1947. In 1971, the organisation opened up for younger members adding “Association of Antifascists” to its name. It is the largest cross-party and cross-generation anti-fascist organisation in Germany.

Verleihbedingungen, Schulungen, Termine

Die Ausstellung „Neofaschismus in Deutschland“ kann ausgeliehen werden. Ihre früheren Fassungen wurden bereits in zahlreichen Bürgerhäusern, Rathäusern, Gewerkschaftshäusern, Kirchengemeinden, Jugendzentren, Kulturzentren, Schulen, Universitäten, Parlamenten und anderen öffentlichen Räumen gezeigt.

Die Ausstellung besteht aus 19 Tafeln im DIN A 1Format auf PVC-Folie und zwei größeren Bannern auf Stoff (140 cm x 170 cm und 120o cm x 85 cm). Es kann auch eine Fassung in DIN A2 ausgeliehen werden, mit entsprechend verkleinerten Stoffbannern (170 cm x 120 cm und 85 cm x 60 cm). Tafeln und Banner sind robust. Sie sind mit Schienen und Haken versehen und können somit problemlos gehängt werden.

Die Ausleihgebühr beträgt 100,00 € pro Verleihwoche. Der Versand erfolgt per Post und kostet 13,90 €.

Wenn Sie Führungen durch die Ausstellung organisieren wollen, können Wie für ihre Aktiven eine Schulung mit uns vereinbaren.

Für weitere Informationen, Werbematerial und Terminabsprachen wenden sie sich an die
Bundesgeschäftsstelle der VVN-BdA,
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1,
10243 Berlin,
Telefon: 0340-29784174